"Young people, embrace your youth. Be joyful while you are still young.
Follow the inclinations of your heart's desire."

Ecclesiastes 11:9-10

Some people say that this generation's youth are a lost cause, that they're misfits, that they don't care about faith. But in walking with young people in our ministry, we have discovered just the opposite. We have seen the youth use their own gifts for the radical, foster their own culture, and chase their own faith. So we created a place where youth can grow their gifts, their culture, and their faith even more. Where they can meet other young people who are energized by their Catholic faith... and everyone is invited.

At our youth nights, we have young people from every culture, every background, and every walk of life. And our community is not a place where faith is forced, but rather, where faith is lived out through everything. From the adult team, to the music, to the games, to the laughter, to the encounters, the expression of faith is lived out so that young people can discover what God's reality looks like, sounds like, feels like...
and so they can say "yes" to God all on their own.

That is our goal. To give young people the chance to give God their own fiat. To become one of His disciples. If you, or someone you know, is ready to experience a new adventure in their faith, then don't wait, come and join us at Chosen Youth. It doesn't matter where you're from, where your parish is, or whether you're Catholic or not. Everyone has been called. Come and join us.

C H O S E N  Y O U T H
Every Sunday @ 7:00PM
Ages  12-18